Are you an SME wanting to adopt and experiment with MBD tools? Form a consortium with a provider SME and apply to HUBCAP Programme with innovative proposals to experiment & integrate MBD tools in existing or new CPS solutions!
HUBCAP Call #2.2 – EXPERIMENT is now open for applications!
What your consortium will receive?
- Funding between €30k and €75k (per consortia)
- Opportunities to connect with users and suppliers from various industries
- Opportunities to access MBD CPS solutions and services provided by specialized entities
- The change to reach potential new customers
- Access to a sustainable ecosystem of stakeholders active in multiple CPS domains
- Access to support services and workshops with our DIHs.

Interested in joining the Cyber-Physical Systems revolution?
Applications to Call #2.2 EXP is open until 2nd February 2022, at 17h00 (Brussels Time) CET.
Find out more about HUBCAP on
Read the programme guidelines carefully and APPLY NOW!